Lissa Anglin • Part of Me Blog

Art, décor, family and photography- it's all part of me!

tyler + hillary • day after session • kansas city, mo

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These will be images I don't forget for a long time. I LOVED getting to to a Day After Session with Tyler and Hillary. (For those of you who may wonder what a "Day After" Session is- it's when we meet up with the brand-newlyweds the day after their wedding to capture an extended session of portraits in their wedding day attire. Since the main festivities are over, we get to go a little more extreme without the fear of getting the dress dirty.)

This session was special because we met up with Tyler and Hillary and shot in downtown Kansas City. The cityscape was wonderful, and we found so many textures and color within a few city blocks. Thank you- Tyler and Hillary- for hanging out with us just a bit longer- I hope these images are ones you'll treasure forever!