I just can't ever sit still with house projects. Once I complete one, I have the urge to start something new, and much to Shawn's chagrin, that usually involves paint. :)
This project, however, my husband has actually volunteered himself for- so in order to keep my worker happy, I am doing the most planning ahead that I can.
What's the project, you ask?
Oh, just the one where we switch out the kids' bedrooms in the middle of our busiest work season.
Our house has 3 bedrooms, two of which are the EXACT same size, and located on the same side of the house- one nearer the front of the house, and one near the back. When we moved into this house, we only had 1 kiddo (Knox) and so we put him in the bedroom that was toward the back of the house, which worked perfectly- until we had another baby.
Liv's nursery/room has inhabited the front bedroom, and there have been many times I wished I had switched their rooms. Namely, those times the doorbell rang and woke up the sleeping baby I had in the room right next to the front door.
So, realizing that we will be welcoming another sweet girl sometime in the near future who will share a room with Liv has made me want to go ahead and do the switcheroo. So maybe you could call this nesting, in a way?
Regardless- it's time for Knox to get a little update. Here's a current view of his room:
Yeah, that's right- this is the way it USUALLY LOOKS. No prettying up real life for the internets here.
I've made peace with the random socks and shoes on the floor, and we just aren't the people who make their beds every morning. But the books on the ground, the toys piled up on every piece of furniture, the sheer amount of toys that aren't actually played with anymore...those are the things that drive me bonkers.
Here's what's working/what I'd like to keep for this room:
- The full size bed
- The vintage pennants and signs
- The little mid-century bookshelf (I salvaged out of the alley many years ago)
- The Ikea Poang chair and ottoman
- The dog tail hooks that are holding up the art (not pictured)
- The square storage shelves (functional, though I may want to update the fabric boxes)
Current mint wall color.
Here's what I want to see gone/improved:
- Hanging chair
- Dresser (possibly)
- Train table
- Floating Shelves
- Toys no longer played with (which is going to be a job in itself)
Another thing I am considering is that he will need to be able to "grow with" this room. He is just 6 right now, but I'm wanting to make it more of a "big boy" room he can really utilize in the coming years.
So, I'm wanting to add:
- Desk
- Upright storage or mirror over dresser
- Nightstand
Liv's room (a.k.a. Knox's future room) is currently painted a happy, light mint color- and to save myself some time, I am hoping to keep that color, while adding an accent wall.
Check out the mood board I put together:
I'm hoping to reuse several items we already have, plus add some must-haves for a "big boy" room, like a desk, reading light, and extra storage in an armoire.
One of the things I am most excited about is creating an engineering print mural on one of the walls. This will be my third experience doing a mural like this- my first was in our retail store, Culture Clothing- look how tiny Knox was when I was putting it up!
I'm having trouble deciding on whether I want to do an A) Constellation pattern or B) Mountain scene. Knox says he doesn't care and that he likes both. So, what do you guys think? Here are a couple of photos for inspo:
No matter what, it will be black and white print, though I do love the blue of the constellation wall- it's just much less expensive to do the black and white!
I'm also debating about curtains- hoping to keep them some sort of black and white pattern, but- how important is it that I get blackout curtains now that he is 6? Also, we will be raising those curtains allllll the way to the ceiling this time.
I also have not even thought about bedding yet- eesh! He does have a white down comforter inside the duvet he is currently using- so we will probably just stick with that. Simple. And BLEACHABLE.
Any other input/thoughts/ideas/wish-you-hads for me?